Majority Leader McConnell has indicated that on Monday, January 29, the Senate will vote on cloture on the motion to proceed to the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (S. 2311) sponsored by Sen. Lindsey Graham. While speaking at the March for Life in D.C. Friday January 26, 2018, urged the Senate to pass this legislation, promising to sign it and end the tortuous practice of killing children in the womb who are capable of feeling pain.
The language of the bill itself is worth reading. Especially the first 13 provisions which explain the evidence that shows us that by 20 weeks after conception, while still in the womb, a baby can feel pain. Our national partner, National Right to Life has a great page with more scientific evidence that shows the the unborn can feel pain at 20-weeks or even earlier. Educate yourself so that you can have loving conversations and change the hearts and minds of those who have been deceive by the abortion industry.
If passed, this would make it illegal for a doctor to perform abortions after 20-weeks.
We are grateful that both of our Senators from Georgia, Senator Isakson and Senator Perdue have sponsored this important legislation. Click on their names to contact them and thank them for supporting and prioritizing this legislation.
The operative language is identical to H.R. 36, approved by the House of Representatives on October 3, 2017.
It is going to be a very close vote and we do not know if we have the votes in the Senate for the bill to pass. Call your Senators and urge your friends to do the same. Remember, this is a national bill, so send this to you friends in other states as well. They can use this link to find contact information for their own U.S. Senators.
Spread the news. Make a difference.
Camila Zolfaghari
Executive Director
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2451 Cumberland Pkwy SE, Suite 3205
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Coastal Georgia Office:
1700 Frederica Road Suite 304
St. Simon’s Island, Georgia 31522
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(678) 597-8055
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