ATLANTA, GA – The Georgia Life Alliance Committee (GLA) is calling on the Governor and members of the Georgia Legislature to launch a state investigation into Planned Parenthood. GLA’s call comes after the release of a disturbing video showing Planned Parenthood’s Sr. Director of Medical Services Dr. Deborah Nucatola casually detailing the process of altering abortion procedures to harvest specific fetal body parts for the purpose of selling or delivering them intact and per request of buyers.
“The horrific and illegal acts described so callously by Planned Parenthood in yesterday’s video should give even the most ardent pro-choice advocate cause for grave concern,” said Executive Director Emily Matson. “We urge Georgia’s lawmakers to acknowledge the gravity of this evidence and launch an investigation to ensure this is not happening in Georgia. In addition, and in light of the lacking nature of our state’s abortion provider regulations, the time is now to ensure abortion procedure and practices receive the scrutiny and attention of our regulatory and enforcement agencies.”
Elected leaders in Texas, Louisiana, and other states are now vowing to investigate Planned Parenthood in their own states following revelations from the video. Planned Parenthood has a network of five Georgia clinics operating in Atlanta, Augusta, Lawrenceville, Marietta, and Savannah.
To join GLA and urge legislators to investigate Planned Parenthood, please sign our petition here .
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