by Nancy Kingston, GLA Pregnancy Support Liaison
The vital mission and work of pregnancy care centers throughout Georgia can hardly be overstated. One of GLA’s foremost goals is to support, foster and promote this vital work since we are clearly linked by a genuine concern and love for the unborn and for those most at risk for choosing abortion. Therefore, GLA is committed to helping the PCCs become better equipped and better exposed, while keeping an eye to any legal or legislative issues which would affect their very existence.
Pregnancy care organizations have been the heart and hands of the pro-life movement since shortly after the abysmal “abortion-on-demand” ruling was handed down by the Supreme Court in 1973. In the wake of this tragic decision, large numbers of “pro-lifers” were motivated to establish places in their communities where women could be presented with realistic alternatives to abortion. During the subsequent 43 years, pregnancy care organizations have an indisputable life-saving and life-changing impact upon women and families.
Ironically, most women who consider abortion do so because they feel they “have no choice.” The staff at pregnancy centers are trained to address the anxieties of women and families in pregnancy hardships, and they are tireless in providing the accurate information and support that empowers women to choose life.
Currently in Georgia there are approximately 75 pregnancy care centers that provide life-affirming options to abortion. According to center surveys for 2014, 24,077 new clients walked through their doors, free 22,424 pregnancy tests were conducted, and at least 9,619 free ultrasounds were performed!
Pregnancy Care Centers are uniquely positioned to operate according to the highest standards of care and integrity, as clients are able to obtain these services without charge along with the promise of confidentiality, compassion and respect. Ongoing support, education and assistance throughout pregnancy and beyond also characterizes the distinctive nature of these organizations.
Manned by a virtual army of women and men offering women real help and answers, the variety of services available at pregnancy centers continues to expand. Currently, a majority of centers are certified to offer limited obstetrical ultrasounds – an integral part of a woman’s right to know all the facts surrounding her pregnancy. Moreover, many centers now offer parenting classes, fatherhood support programs, post-abortion recovery, testing for sexually transmitted infections, healthy pregnancy education.
GLA is eager to walk shoulder to shoulder with those on the front lines because we deeply grasp the challenging task of providing truth to each new generation. This alliance enhances and enriches our common objectives which is to defend the most vulnerable and grow a culture of life in Georgia.
Click the link here for a list of current centers in Georgia that offer free ultrasounds.
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Atlanta, Georgia 30339
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