Roe is just the beginning...

Elizabeth Reed • September 3, 2021

Roe Is Just The Beginning

You’ve likely heard the news by now that the Texas Heartbeat Bill has taken effect as of Tuesday night at midnight and abortions performed after a detectable heartbeat (or 6 weeks gestation) are now illegal in the state of Texas. At this very moment, abortion providers are calling patients and cancelling abortion appointments. Estimates are that 150 innocent lives in Texas are going to be spared by this law *every single day*.

Many groups and public figures are celebrating the SCOTUS decision to allow the Texas Heartbeat Bill to take effect - and rightfully so. If our goal is to eradicate abortion and protect the unborn, this law saving literally hundreds of babies every day is a HUGE victory!!

What many of us are not considering, however, is the impact this has on the vulnerable women carrying those babies. These women, who now have had their abortion appointments cancelled, were only choosing abortion in the first place because they felt so desperate, so very alone, and lacked adequate resources or support to feel empowered enough to choose life in the first place. And the profit-minded abortion industry was all-to-eager to prey on their fears, take advantage of their perceived lack of options, and exploit their crisis for a financial profit.

The circumstances surrounding these women’s tragic decision have not changed just because they no longer have the option to kill their innocent children.

The answers and solutions to the “obstacles" they’re facing didn’t magically appear at midnight on September 1st when this law took effect. The fears and weight of their circumstances only increased and got even heavier the moment they received a call informing them that their abortion appointment had to be cancelled.

These women see and hear us celebrating victory, they see so many of us spiking the football - but they should also see us putting our beliefs and words into practice. They should hear us offering the help, resources, and support they lack.

Our pro-life friends and advocates in Texas are witnessing firsthand that their work did not end simply because most abortions were made illegal in their state. In reality, the real work has only just begun.

We have long declared that we care about these vulnerable women and want to help solve the crisis they face with an unplanned pregnancy. We have long shouted that we are NOT simply “pro-birth”. We have long argued that we want to help create a culture that addresses and resolves every ‘reason’ a woman seeks an abortion.

Our partners in Texas are now finding that it’s time for the pro-life community to prove it.

The first thing I did yesterday morning was connect with our boots-on-the-ground partners in Texas to collaborate and find out how GLA and our faithful supporters can help the direct service providers in Texas meet the very real and very urgent needs facing vulnerable pregnant women and their innocent children. Google searches for “Self-Induced Abortion” have spiked 160% in Texas, just in the past THREE days. The service providers on the front lines there are being INUNDATED with requests for help.

The harvest is plenty, but the workers are few. They need OUR help. And we need YOUR help.

Georgia Life Alliance, along with Governor Brian Kemp and so many others, knew when we began drafting the LIFE Act (aka, Georgia’s ‘Heartbeat Bill’) that a Post-Roe Georgia was imminent. We have known for years now that it was not a matter of IF Roe was overturned, it was a matter of WHEN Roe was overturned. And we knew we needed to be ready to address every. single. reason women and men have for feeling like abortion is their only option. We have always known that when a woman feels like abortion is her *ONLY* option, our society has failed her.

We have been working, with YOUR help, to create a Post-Roe Georgia. To build a culture in our state that is Pro-Life both in word and in deed.

*How* Have We Prepared for Roe’s Aftermath?

We’ve done things like:

  • expanded pregnancy medicaid - not only extending the coverage time frame but also expanding the services available at no cost to low-income pregnant and new mothers;
  • fought for and protected a grant program in our state budget that funds direct medical services for low-income pregnant and new mothers, at no cost to them;
  • raised the bar for direct service providers to such a high standard that other states have come to us asking how they can model their programs and services after Georgia’s;
  • added protections ensuring that persons with disabilities (the “exceptions”) who are on organ transplant waiting lists are not skipped or passed over simply because of their physical or mental disability.

We are setting the standard for the nation, all because we had the audacity to take God at His word and trusted His promise that victory was coming.

Georgia is not going to be caught off guard when our Heartbeat Bill is ultimately upheld by the Supreme Court. We will be ready to defend the vulnerable and fight for the defenseless in our state, thanks to courageous pro-life leadership at the capitol and the faithful support of people like YOU.

This is a big win. Lives are going to be saved and we have every reason to be encouraged and feel triumphant right now.

But when you’re done celebrating, it is time to get to work. It is time to help these vulnerable women. It’s time to go volunteer at your local pregnancy resource center. It’s time to call them and ask what they need and how you can help the women facing uncertainty.

It’s time to go be His hands and feet.

If you’re not in Texas but still want to help the vulnerable women and their unborn children there, keep following Georgia Life Alliance for updates as we continue to work with our partners and fellow advocates in Texas to identify and meet the immediate needs of the defenseless and vulnerable. Donate to our efforts. Email me at [email protected] if you want to volunteer with us, need some help getting connected to your local pregnancy center or other direct service provider, or if your church or organization wants to know how you can help.

No one can do everything, but each and every one of us can do something. And together, we can continue to build a culture of life in Georgia that shines as a beacon to every state in the nation who is ready to not just protect the right to life, but protect the right to live.

“I have come that they might have Life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10

Together for Life,

Elizabeth Reed

Leadership Director

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